Written by IALH Team
Image by @ornellasuad
Anyone who experiences period cramps will agree that they are extremely uncomfortable (for lack of better words) and when it comes to combatting the pain, many of us have tried it all. From sourcing over-the-counter drugs to exercising and everything in-between, many of us do what we can to avoid missing work, school, or any other important activities.
For this reason (and many others), we have compiled a list of natural pain relief that works best for us in the hopes that it’ll work for you too! From patches to heating pads and teas, there are plenty of natural options to support the relief of painful period cramps. We know the struggle and we’ve got you, Huns!

Be You
Monthly patches
Experience the fast-acting effect of the Monthly Patch over a 12-hour release, complimenting your daily routine at any time.

JS Health
Menstrual Kit Vitamin Supplements
This menstrual kit favourites bundle contains the Hormone + PMS Support, Detox + Debloat, and Magnesium+ formulas.

The Nue Co
Magnesium Ease Spray
High-quality magnesium chloride paired with lavender and arnica oil, which contains helenalin—a potent anti-inflammatory. Together, the three ingredients efficiently aid relaxation + reduce muscle tension.

Raspberry Leaf Infusion
Raspberry leaf is thought to soothe cramps and ease bloating.

Pure Enrichment®
PureRelief XL Electric Heating Pad
A therapeutic 12” x 24” heating pad provides targeted heat therapy to help bring temporary relief to sore muscles and help ease muscle tension for the back, shoulders, or abdomen.

Noha Device
The device emits small electrical pulses through two pads which you stick on the areas of pain. These pulses flood the nervous system which blocks the transmission of pain signals and your perception of pain.