Everything you need to know about Colonics

16 October, 2023 / words by IALH Editor

Colonics, also known as colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy, might not be a common topic whilst you’re chowing down on dinner with your girls, but they’re steadily gaining popularity as a way to promote digestive health and overall well-being. If you’re curious about what colonics are and whether they’re right for you, here’s a quick and informal guide to help you understand the basics!

What Are Colonics?

Colonics involve the cleansing of the colon, the lower part of your digestive system, by flushing it with water. This process aims to remove built-up waste, toxins, and bacteria that may have accumulated in your digestive system over time. It’s typically done by a trained therapist using specialised equipment.

Why Do People Get Colonics?

People turn to colonics for a variety of reasons, one being digestive Health. Colonics can help alleviate constipation, bloating (remember when Mel told you all about it), and other digestive discomforts by clearing out accumulated waste. Another reason us detoxification. Some individuals seek colonics as a way to remove toxins from the body and promote overall wellness and while not a weight loss method, some people report feeling lighter after colonics due to the removal of excess waste.

What to Expect During a Colonic Session:

When you go for a colonic, here’s what you can expect:

Consultation: The therapist will discuss your medical history and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Preparation: You’ll change into a gown and lie on a comfortable table.

The Procedure: A lubricated tube is gently inserted into your rectum, and warm, purified water is introduced into your colon. The therapist will massage your abdomen to help dislodge waste. You’ll then release waste and water through another tube. The process is repeated several times during the session.

Duration: A typical session lasts about 45 minutes to an hour.

Sensations: You might experience cramping, fullness, or the urge to have a bowel movement during the session.

Now of course, we always have to make you aware of any risks, and overuse of colonics can disrupt the natural balance of beneficial bacteria in your colon. Some people may experience side effects like dehydration or electrolyte imbalances so it’s really important to know you body, and keep track of how many times you’re doing them. 

It’s best to stay with the same practitioner so they can give your their professional advice and opinion. You also have to be mindful and transparent with you practitioner about any underlying health issues you may have before going through with it and this procedure is definitely one that pregnant Huns have to sit out on. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to health practices, so it’s essential to make informed decisions based on your unique needs and circumstances.


IALH Editor


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