3 candles that give the strongest pay off

6 November, 2023 / words by Melissa Holdbrook-Akposoe

If we’re spending money in 2023 we’re going to make sure the return on our investments are high and that includes everything down to the candles we buy. There’s nothing worse than saving a little for that extra special candle that’s too pretty to burn in the first place and when you finally brace yourself and light it, it doesn’t fill the room in the way that you’d imagined – disappointing to say the least.

No, we don’t do that over here, If I recommend something to you, know that it’s going to be two things; aesthetically pleasing, and something that is actually good. So here are my top 3 candles that will absolutely fill any room in your house. These have personally been tried and tested and they are candles that I’ve rebought 3 to 4 times so I’m highly confident in this selection!


Melissa Holdbrook-Akposoe


Conceptualised by Melissa Holdbrook - Akposoe, It’s A Lifestyle Hun is a one-stop-shop for expert recommendations and lifestyle lessons for the modern cosmopolitan. “I wanted to create an informative platform where myself and other experts in their fields are able to share and educate others on how to curate the perfect elevated lifestyle.”

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