Baby buggies are tricky one to make a conclusive decision about

5 December, 2023 / words by IALH Editor

Baby buggies are tricky one to make a conclusive decision about. Firstly, you want to make sure that you buggy is safe, passes all the necessary tests, and meets all the safety requirements but you also want to make sure that it’s somewhat cute right? I mean, if you’re spending a couple hundred on it, it needs to no only be multifunctional, but multifaceted – is it really a crime that you want it to match your outfit and that soon-to-be-yours Gucci baby bag? It’s not! We’ve created a little list of our favourite baby buggies that are stylish and functional enough for your little one and maybe even the little ones to come after as we know how much of an investment it can be!


IALH Editor


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