Feeling exhausted all the time? Try this Sunday reset

5 May, 2023 / words by IALH Editorial Team

Written by Cloé Vaz-Wiggins

Image via Pinterest

I’m not sure many of us really consider the importance of having a day dedicated to preparing for the week ahead as a must to include on our priority list. I don’t mean sometimes, or at certain parts or portions of the day, I mean, seeing Sunday as an almost sacred day that we set aside and plan for in a way that supports and empowers us to enter the week that’s about to start. And because I don’t like to assume I’d love to ask; how do you tackle your Sundays?

Are you intentional about preparing for the new week?

Do you think about how you want to feel, what do you want to accomplish?

And, is Sunday a part of that preparation for you? Sometimes? Never? Always?

It’s important you ask these questions, not for anyone else but for yourself. You have to know how you want to operate, how you want your life to run and yes, it is that serious. Having a day to reset and recalibrate can have so many positive impacts on so many areas of your life, from your personal to professional, your wellbeing to your mental and emotional health, not to mention your relationships, with others and of course, with yourself.

Sunday resets have become famous on social media, but I’d love to remind you that your Sunday resets can and should look like however and whatever you want. Sure, get some inspiration, but don’t downplay or stop yourself from romanticising and enjoying the version of what you’re seeing and more importantly, don’t fall into the trigger trap and start comparing yours to someone else’s.

Because that’s the thing, Sunday resets should be whatever you want them to be. If productivity and organising makes you happy, do that, if doing nothing is what you need, do that, if self-care through the form of beauty is your vibe, do it! The point is, whatever you want to do, need to do and will benefit from doing, should be what your reset day looks like.

I’d love to share a few concepts that might be useful when thinking about how you want your reset days to look like:

Reflect and plan

Taking a second to reflect on the week you just had, regrouping on what happened, what worked and what didn’t is an amazing place to start being super intentional about utilising your reset day to improve the week coming. And for that reason, reflecting and writing all of it down through journaling or a to-do list format, can create some structure and ensure you put some action behind the things you actually need to implement to have a better week. Yes, even if the note is: need more sleep!


Whether its spending some time alone, with friends and family, or both, make sure you’re creating space and carving out time to do so, to really feel like you had a break and really rested.

Stocking and replenishing

Use your reset day to give your home that extra attention and love. Cleaning and organising the house, doing some laundry, replenishing and restocking your day-to-day items, go grocery shopping, maybe some meal prepping. Let your future-self look out for you and put in place systems that will benefit you in the week ahead.

If you’re not taking your reset days seriously, I truly hope this piece makes you reconsider and I’ll leave you with this suggestion, on your reset day try to use your phone as minimally as possible, limit or stay away from social media and enjoy life off-screen. Your life, off-screen. Stay present and connected to who and where you are, see how you feel by the end of it. Reset days, a must.


IALH Editorial Team


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