Why affirmations should be the first step in your morning routine

15 August, 2022 / words by IALH Editorial Team

Written by Chelsea Nyirenda

Image by Schiaparelli

7:00 AM(Snooze) – You have 10 minutes

7:15 AM(Snooze) – You’re really pushing it 

7:30 AM(Snooze) – Beyonce has been up for 3 hours now!

8:00 AM – If you don’t want it, just say that…

If it takes you an hour to fully prepare your body to rise, imagine how much time your mind and body requires to feel fully awake. The first thing we feed ourselves shouldn’t be delusion, it shouldn’t be images of others and it definitely shouldn’t be excuses. Your morning is unarguably the most important time of your day, it sets you up for the best day of your life or the hardest. Preparing yourself for the unexpected events of the world is so important, especially in the times that we’re experiencing. I believe in morning routines and affirmations. They are imperative, they keep you accountable and on track. It’s time for you to realise, it’s all on you girl. No one wakes you up at 5 AM so you can see the sunrise. No one’s waiting for you to clock in at the gym, and you can’t blame anyone else for choosing that last snooze over breakfast. You have to invest in disciplining yourself, so that you’re always set up to be at your best for that day. Read on if you struggle with creating a morning routine that builds you up. 

When thinking of your morning routine I always tell people to start that routine backwards, from night to morning. We really start setting ourselves up for success or failure the night before. From skincare routines, shut down periods, bedtimes, and sleep levels, it’s all a science – but these are the things to think about when deciding the critical steps necessary to get the best rest, and ultimately wake up as your best self. One thing that’s not a choice, but a must, is shut down time. You have to start preparing your body for rest. Watching Youtube in bed, right before sleep is terrible. Your eyes are dilated, your mind is working to retain information and your body has no signals that would suggest a sleep response. I like to start shutting down 1hr to 30 mins before bed. I lower the lights in the room I’m in, I use lavender candles in my bedroom to relax my senses, I take my shower or bath at this time, and I break away from all devices prior to this. I also don’t bring devices to bed. Devices charge at a walking distance away from me, this way I sleep without interruption but also have to get up in the morning to silence alarms. Lastly, it’s also about light exposure and noise, our mind flows in, out and through different levels of sleep as we rest. Noise and light definitely affect how deep in our sleep we get. I start here because sleep is so essential, it affects so much of our physical and mental health. 

Now that we’re rested, how exactly do we get ourselves mentally prepared for the day? 

I feel my best when I begin my day centred. You can center yourself on anything you desire. If you want your day to revolve around tending to yourself, maybe start your day in meditation and affirming the greatest things for yourself. If you want to centre your day around service, start your day by opening your heart, professing out of your mouth how you would like to be of service to others, and manifest a day of gratefulness, it’s from that place that you will be able to give graciously and authentically. Basically, start your day with intention. The first words belong to you, then after, your choices. It’s crazy to think about, but sometimes we don’t give ourselves those choices, those moments, or make those decisions for ourselves. When we immediately turn to social media from the top of our day, we release our control to: insecurities, illusions, and guilt – I challenge you to empower yourself by depending on yourself, and doing so, by being alone with your thoughts and spirit in the mornings. 

The body operates through sensory receptors, what we feed our bodies through all of our senses affects  our day. How we activate our energy, what we listen to, what we eat, what the rooms and areas we move through smell like – all affect our day. I suggest you implement positive and productive sensory triggers in your day. This can be starting your day with matcha, or stretching, maybe you sit in the sun for 30 mins at midday to recharge, or listen to your favourite song for an hour, or two lol. Whatever will get that boat to float AND SAIL! 

Honestly Hun, If you don’t have Renaissance downloaded and on repeat, I don’t know how you’re getting through that 9-5. Queen B has blessed us with this album and I love using it throughout my day, especially whenever I’m enroute to my next destination. It’s a great way to reiterate my manifestations that I already set for myself that day, a great reminder of the confidence that I have in myself.

All in all the theme of this message is intention and control. Take the day, anyway you like it, but definitely take it. We are responsible for all of the choices we make, the habits we create and the things we choose to ignore. Prioritising good health is prioritising the future you’re striving to create. Demanding these things from yourself should be a consistent process, practicing discipline diligently and also practicing soft care. Being intentional doesn’t mean you turn into a bully towards yourself, but it does mean that you try harder to be better for yourself, whenever you decide that you want better. 

I hope this served you. 

 “I pledge allegiance, to myself, to always laugh out loud, love myself and live each day with no regrets” 


IALH Editorial Team


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