Image by @TheAttico
Every time I walk outside and my foot is dry and crusty, I feel as though I’ve let my race down. Something about it feels very anti-black, and after being caught a-few-too-many times I decided that I needed to do better for my people. Now, I have a system (that is essential for the winter months especially) to ensure that I’m never caught slipping and in true Mel fashion, your girl is here to share it with you!

Foot scrubs are not exclusive to pedicures. It’s actually something that I do every 3 days to keep the foot callus at bay. I have too many sandal heels that need wearing so I always want to be prepared. A detoxifying salt scrub mixed with natural oils is your best bet for this. Scrub all over your foot (and don’t forget to get in-between your toes and around your cuticles too) and rinse off with water. Pat dry with a towel and make sure you dry between your toes to avoid any nasties.

During the winter it’s important to switch to heavier creams to reintroduce all the moisture you can back into your skin. This Weleda skin food is the perfect multi-purpose cream and it has the most sensual spa-like, citrus scent. It also gives off somewhat of a glossy finish, which is perfect for the wintertime (and all year round if you’re black) because matt finishes can make you look just as dry as when you started.

You want to lock in the moisture produced from a cream by using a body oil. Oils work so well in synergy with creams – it’s almost as if they create a security layer on top so that the moisture from the cream lasts even longer. This oil is lightweight yet effective and is a great one for the winter. Use it on the cuticles on your feet too as they can get super dry and flaky in the winter as well.

Because it’s always a lifestyle Hun, we always have to take things to the next level. Introduce moisturising socks into your foot care routine to soften your feet and add even more moisture. I feel like I chase moisture during the wintertime so the more I can get access to the better. Slip these on whilst you get ready/do your make-up on a night out and take them off before you head out. They’re also great to wear whilst you sleep for extra hydration – you’ll thank me later!

If you want to add a little more gloss and shine into the mix, opt for this vaseline oil gel. This is one of the best oil gels on the market, and I find that when I use it in the morning, I remain moisturised for the whole day! A little goes a long way with this and be careful when wearing satins, suedes, and silks as it will stain!
Happy Shopping!