Written by IALH Editor
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Cleaning up after a big cooking session is nobody’s favourite job. But don’t neglect your chopping board huns, it contains up to 200% more bacteria than your toilet seat so if you think that quick wipe down is doing the job, think again. Now they come in all shapes, sizes and materials so we’re breaking down what works best on what surface and some quick hacks to keep your chopping board fresh.
1) Lemon juice
If you have a wooden chopping board, this one’s for you. The older your board gets the more cuts form, causing little ridges that bacteria and food can lodge themselves in. Remove this by scrubbing with hot water and them soak in lemon juice (fresh or bottled is fine) preferably overnight and then rinse. You can also do this with a white vinegar and water solution, no need to leave overnight as the vinegar works quickly. Just 20 mins or so should do it.
2) Oil your chopping board regularly
Use a mineral oil if you have a wooden chopping board, oiling prevents it from absorbing moisture or cracking. Oiling also helps to prevent food from staining the board so badly. Use a paper towel and rub the oil into the board in a circular motion. Leave it upright in an airy location to dry evenly for 10 mins. Wipe off any excess oil and then leave overnight.
3) Don’t use tea towels to wipe or dry your board
Cross contamination is the thing you’re trying to avoid with chopping boards (whatever the material!). So using a tea towel to dry them can put back some of the bacteria you just cleaned off. Instead try think paper towels that can be thrown away after use.
4) Use a non-scratch scourer
Although it doesn’t look like it, a chopping board is actually quite delicate, especially those made from wood or plastic. Try to avoid harsh scourers when cleaning your board and go for softer ones that still get that dirt and food out.