Written by Melissa Holdbrook-Akposoe
Image via Pinterest
I’ve been to enough peoples homes to know what I like to see and what I don’t like to see. There’s nothing more awkward when you’re having an absolute mare in someone’s bathroom and you can’t find the very necessary things that you need to sort yourself out.
Some of these items listed are necessities and some things are for that wow factor – I mean how are people meant to know how boujie you are if you don’t take every opportunity to show it? It’s time to stunt Hun and let these people know you don’t play in your house, so here are 4 things to have in your guest bathroom to let everyone know what the case is.
1) Hand towels
Starting off with the very important things… hand towels. It sounds oh so basic but SO many people leave this one out. There’s nothing worse than washing your hands in someone’s bathroom and frantically looking for a hand towel. The amount of times I’ve had to dry my hands with toilet roll? As an adult? No. There are so many options to choose from here and many that are quite elevated and shout “oh, she got money!!!!”. My favourite (and the most sustainable) are embodied hand towels. Get your family’s surnames initials put on it to remind people of where they are and how things are done around here. There’s also a disposable option of super thick paper towels that you can get embossed with the same thing too – impressive!

2) A box for lady things
As a woman, you know that helpless feeling when you start your period but you’re ill equipped! Get a cute little box to put all the necessities a Hun needs during this time, but be discreet! DON’T label it – no need. Just kindly make your guest aware of where they can find it before they enter the bathroom.

3) Chic toilet spray
There’s nothing more annoying than people who don’t have toilet sprays and toilet brushes in their bathrooms. Like girl!?? Lets prepare ourselves for every eventuality, PLEASE! I love this Jo Malone room spray because it neutralises any scent in the most fresh way and it looks just as great as it functions.

Top Tip: Light a candle in the bathroom 30 mins before your guests arrive to give them a lovely welcome when they enter the bathroom.

4) A freshening up station
If you have the space a really nice touch is creating a station of perfume, make up wipes, lips balm and anything else you think someone may need when they want to come back to join you looking refreshed. Pop it on a chic tray and try to use items that are either disposable, can be sanitised, or ones that they can take with them for a nice touch!